Radisson Hotel Muscat Panorama

Radisson Hotel Muscat Panorama

Upcoming Events
DO YOU KNOW Who I Am? Daniel Fernandes
15.00 OMR
Thu 06 Jun

Daniel Fernandes is on tour with his third comedy special! Do You Know Who I Am? is a celebration of life in a way that only Daniel knows how. After a major personal event, he found himself living in a world that was slightly less familiar, and while there are a lot of things he should've said to his therapist, he decided to say them to his audience instead because that's how you game the system! This show is an attempt at swimming in the deep end of the pool, so brace yourself for a fun night out albeit slightly different from the one you are expecting. BOOK NOW!

Radisson Hotel Muscat Panorama
Radisson Hotel Muscat Panorama, Al Ghubrah St, Muscat, Oman
Radisson Hotel Muscat Panorama
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